Random jobs
Freelance life minus a clear job description or specific expertise lead to these very random but very fun jobs!
Türkiye Group Hike Trip
Together with my Austrian bestie I hosted a hiking trip to Turkey, where a group of 12 people from all over the world joined us in this place that is very close to my heart. It was so special to spend time with 12 strangers, who had booked the trip because me and Angela hosted it, and getting to know these beautiful individuals while hiking, doing yoga, eating lots of food etc :)

Motivational speaker
Held my first real motivational talk in front of a hundred corporate people in Uppsala, Sweden. The theme was "passion" so I talked about how I let passion lead my way in life. I felt like I connected with the audience which made the whole thing feel so good and impactful! If not for the listeners than at least for me. I'd love to do more of those.

Speaker NM Riksgränsen
The Nordic Championships in freeride skiing and snowboarding has been on every year for 25 years, and this year I got the huge honor to be one of the two speakers! It's a three day event and almost 200 riders, so it's a lot of time speaking into a mic and trying to keep the audience informed as well as hyped. On the final day, I had a hard time putting down the mic in the end because it was so fun!!

Airport photo exhibition
I was asked by the local airport Åre/Östersund to hold a photo exhibition featuring some of my favorite photos from my adventures. So I printed and framed them with the help from my dad and old planks we found in the barn, and put them up in the departure hall for six months. I also wrote a little story around the theme "where this airport has taken me over the years". Now I have 12 huge prints in my bedroom I don't know what to do with.

World Animal Protection Thailand
The most meaningful campaign I've been a part of. Me and some other Swedes were invited by WAP to go to Bangkok and spread awareness and raise funds for elephants in captivity. Elephant tourism is still a huge business in countries like Thailand, but few people know how disturbingly horrible the animals are treated from a young age. We visited an elephant riding and show facility, where we saw evidence of elephants clearly in distress, living with severe PTSD from being tortured all their lives. Then we visited an ethical sanctuary where they save elephants from that misery. The happiness of the latter elephants was palpable. It was an emotional experience, and I'm very glad I've seen this with my own eyes. I will hold elephants in a special place in my heart forever after this.
The trip was followed by a speech at WAP's annual conference after we came home, where we got the chance to further shine a light over the situation in front of corporate people who can make a difference.

Sidetracked Magazine feature story
I was invited by Sidetracked Magazine to come to Vaud Alps in Switzerland to explore a new region and do a bunch of activities that I'm very mediocre at.
Also got to make use of my journalistic side and write a feature story as well as the manus script for the video project that also came out of it.
Read it and watch it here! https://www.sidetracked.com/mountain-perspectives/

Vanlife Iceland Guide
Summer of 2022 my friends Leo Alsved & Asa Steinars, called me up and asked if I could come to Iceland in two days. They run a concept called Vanlife Iceland, a van based group trip, and they needed a last minute guide to help out on the upcoming trip. I said yes and two days later I checked into my own van for a week of driving around Iceland, guiding (without much knowledge haha) and incredible new friendships.

Summer of 22 I got challenged by Vattenfall and InCharge to drive an electric car from Stockholm to Nordkap: 1700 km. We slept in a rooftop tent and tried finding creative ways to spend the time during our charging stops. I wrote articles during the trip that can be found here:

Lundhags Show Host
On several occasions I have hosted product clinics in a talk show style for Lundhags, one of Sweden's oldest and most genuine outdoor brands. The focus has been on inspirational sessions where we go through products in their natural setting, so instead of being in a studio we've been out in nature and in Lundhags brand store in Stockholm.
See one of them here: https://www.lundhags.com/se/live-inspiration-shopping/event-4---ebba--sara/

Karün Europe Manager
For about a year I had the role as the Community Manager of Karün Europe. The Chilean brand makes sunglasses from recycled plastic nets from the ocean, and the profits go to empowering rural communities in rural Patagonia. A company with a very unique and sustainable value chain, and I feel honored to have helped them launch and grow in Europe.

Kristallen Gala Coordinator
I randomly scored a job as the coordinator for Sweden's biggest TV gala in 2021: Kristallen, produced by Brand New Content. My job was to inform all the nominees that they in fact were nominated for an award, and I was highly involved with all the planning leading up to the gala. During the night of the live show, I was responsible for coordinating all people involved with the gala -- the guests, the nominees as well as all the staff. Huge responsibility, and nothing I had never done before but extremely fun and such a good experience.

Helsport launch campaign
Did a hilarious campaign for the Norwegian tent makers Helsport when they launched in Sweden. It was during covid when the borders were closed, so since we couldn't actually cross, I met up with the Norwegian team but on each sides of the border somewhere in the forest in Jämtland. Watch the campaign here:

Guestbike Marketing Manager
I helped during the start up phase of Guestbike as their Marketing Manager. Guestbike is a service that offers quick and easy rental of electric fat bikes in ski resorts via an app. Much like electric scooters in big cities, but the ski resort version. I helped them start up their marketing by designing their website and social medias, project leading photo shoots and establish partnerships etc. Check out their work here: